Student Services » Homeless (McKinney-Vento)

Homeless (McKinney-Vento)

The Federal McKinney-Vento Act and California State law consider the following living situations as homeless:

  • In a shelter (family, domestic violence, or youth shelter or transitional living program)
  • In a motel, hotel, or weekly rate housing
  • In a house or apartment with more than one family because of economic hardship or loss
  • In an abandoned building, in a car, at a campground, or on the street
  • In temporary foster care or with an adult who is not the parent or guardian
  • In substandard housing (without electricity, water, or heat)
  • With friends or family because the child is a runaway or an unaccompanied youth


Eligible students have the right to:

• Immediate enrollment in the school they last attended (school of origin) or the local school where you are currently staying, even if you do not have all the documents normally required at the time of enrollment.
• Continue to attend their school of origin, if requested by you and it is in the best interest.
• Receive transportation to and from their school of origin, the same special programs and services, if needed, as provided to all other children, including free meals and Title I.
• Receive the full protections and services provided under all federal and state laws, as it relates to homeless children, youth, and their families.

If your family is experiencing homelessness or are unsure if this status applies to you, please contact Kristina Renn, School Counselor and McKinney Vento School Liaison.